Yes-No Tarot - YES or NO Answer Reliable and FREE! (2024)

The tarot yes-no also called oracle yes-no in many countries, consists of an easy and fast roll to clear your doubts with very specific answers “yes” or “no”.

Sometimes we need answers to our concerns, and we are capable of everything to achieve that goal. We want to facilitate this task with the Yes-No Tarot, that will answer any of your questions quickly.

The operation of the yes-no tarot is very simple, reliable and accurate, you will only have to choose three cards that you want from the deck and those will be the ones that, with a correct interpretation, will answer the question you ask while you focus strongly on it, there will be your answer, to help you make the best decision.

This Tarot is done as follows:

  1. You make a question.
  2. You then click on a single card, the one you desire.
  3. And you’ll get the answer right away.
  4. If you want to ask another question and choose a letter again, click “Repeat” in the answer box.
  5. If you wish, you can click on “Shuffle” to re-mix the cards after each question.

As you can see, the possibilities are almost endless and it is that many times it does not need more than a clear and direct answer without so many explanations or mysticisms. So, if you have questions that overwhelm you, make a free tarot roll yes or no and clarify your doubts.

The best tarot reading yes or no

In other tarot readings you can be overwhelmed in the sea of possibilities and interpretations of the cards that analyze certain aspects of your present and future to recommend you the way you should choose through advice. In this case with the yes-no tarot this is simplified, being reduced to simple answers. And in many cases, less is more.

In the event that your answer does not convince you because it generates more doubts or you want to know more, you can ask again, but remember that the questions you ask should be yes-no questions, for example, this is a question we all do nowadays: will I find work this year? If the tarot says “yes”, it will give us a lot of joy but the year is very long, it could well be that it refers to within a week or six months, so in this case as we want to know when it will be, you can ask a new question like : Will I find a job soon? Or can you ask, will I get hired this month?

Yes-No Tarot - YES or NO Answer Reliable and FREE! (1)

As you can see, the possibilities are almost endless, and it’s that many times we don’t need a long and clear answer, but just a direct answer without so many explanations or mysticisms. So, if you have questions that overwhelm you, reading the yes-no tarot and answer your questions.

Another advantage of the yes-no Tarot is that it is actually very simple. It is the easiest card reading to interpret.

You can get an immediate response with a single card or count the number of winning cards of yes or no between 3, 5, 7 or 9 decks.

Sometimes we can meet tarotists who will tell you to choose 3 or even five cards, you really don’t have to worry because there is no difference between one, three or five, it is simply to have a better interpretation of the cards and this doesn’t affect the Result of your question.

Under this simple form you can carry out short, easy and very definitive consultations. If you’re in a moment of hesitation or doubt, this is your best roll.

Yes-No Tarot - YES or NO Answer Reliable and FREE! (2)

The circulation of cards has been, since time immemorial, a tool of internal knowledge of the human being. Currently it’s still an instrument of personal knowledge consulted by thousands of people every year. And the Yes-No Tarot, in particular, is a way to get answers on a number of very specific issues.

Tarot cards in general present with their figures various situations that may happen in the near or distant future. This is very useful, but sometimes somewhat undefined. It may take some time to really make sense those situations in general.

When we face difficult scenarios, we sometimes need a very specific definition, being enough just a yes or not. It may seem extreme, but sometimes the paths in front of you will be based on dualities. And it’s logical to try to channel the energies related to these possibilities.

Usages of the Yes-no Tarot

Because sometimes its implementation by specialists in the field is rarely recommended, many wonders what’s the yes-no Tarot and what are its characteristics.

As a starting point, it’s good to establish that this card reading shouln’t be used for specific situations or issues that might be misrepresented and interpreted with dark and dramatic predictions. For this reason, the application of this type of Tarot is criticized.

Yes-No Tarot - YES or NO Answer Reliable and FREE! (3)

However, it’s human to feel doubts and hesitations. On these cases, our main fear is taking a path or another. An individual may feel tormented by the possibility of failure and that’s why ends up in a still situation, having 2 options and not knowing what to do.

So, correctly used, the yes-no Tarot, can be a way to strengthen internal decisions. Also, some advanced methods speak of intermediate positions such as a Maybe Yes, or a Maybe No. They are used to channel possibilities within a framework of more wisdom.

The benefits of the Yes-No Tarot

Sometimes the images of the card reading let us know some things, but others can lead to confusion because they have resulted in expressions of the future that may have more than one interpretation. However, it’s the most used and complete Tarot method that shouln’t be abandoned. On the contrary, you should continue exercising to educate and expand your perception.

Yes-No Tarot - YES or NO Answer Reliable and FREE! (4)

Because of this, people frequently turn to the Yes-No Tarot. It’s a fairly precise way of driving our way to decide what to do in a given problem. Beyond the results, it provides security and doesn’t affect the power of any person.

We all fear uncertainties about the future. You can better understand what you should do, consulting the Yes-No Tarot. It will help you make a firm decision by favoring all circ*mstances.

It’s also a way to channel the instincts, that part of human behavior so repressed by civilization and that well used favors the resolution of complex situations.

The Yes-No Tarot, clear answers to complex questions.

Yes-No Tarot - YES or NO Answer Reliable and FREE! (2024)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.