Yes-no Tarot: Find All the Answers You Need - WindTarot (2024)

The yes-no Tarot that is offered for free on this website is a surprising and very useful resource that can help you make certain life decisions and get out of very specific doubts. A reading in the yes-no Tarot can directly answer a question, as long as it’s formulated accurately.

The Free yes-no Tarot is a form of divination that allows you to answer a specific question in an affirmative or negative way, using the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Marseille deck.

If it’s your first consultation, it’s very convenient that you read carefully all the detailed information that we are going to provide below, so you can understand exactly how the method we use works. To make a query, the person must concentrate on the question for which wants an answer, the free yes-no Tarot reading will allow to choose a card and this will give a direct affirmative or negative answer on the subject in question.

There are many moments in life in which doubts assail us and we must make complicated decisions in order to choose the right option or path that we must follow. Here’s when the yes-no Tarot is a sophisticated and precise method, since with a single card you can get a much more direct response than what’s obtained with other tarot methods.

Table of Contents

What’s the yes-no Tarot?

The yes-no Tarot that is offered for free on this website is a surprising and very useful resource that can help you make certain life decisions and get out of very specific doubts. A reading in the yes-no Tarot can directly answer a question, as long as it’s formulated accurately.

The Free yes-no Tarot is a form of divination that allows you to answer a specific question in an affirmative or negative way, using the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Marseille deck.

Yes-no Tarot: Find All the Answers You Need - WindTarot (1)

If it’s your first consultation, it’s very convenient that you read carefully all the detailed information that we are going to provide below, so you can understand exactly how the method we use works. To make a query, the person must concentrate on the question for which wants an answer, the free yes-no Tarot reading will allow to choose a card and this will give a direct affirmative or negative answer on the subject in question.

There are many moments in life in which doubts assail us and we must make complicated decisions in order to choose the right option or path that we must follow. Here’s when the yes-no Tarot is a sophisticated and precise method, since with a single card you can get a much more direct response than what’s obtained with other tarot methods.

What to do when a decision is required immediately?

There are many occasions when we find ourselves in the need to make certain important decisions. In these cases, we tend to meditate very well before acting, since it’s not good to make decisions without first having thought and analyzed the consequences enough, that makes it sometimes difficult to decide on some issues.

On these occasions it is possible to consult the yes-no oracle, and that is precisely what we offer for you, a simple and reliable consultation, with an accurate and professional result. All your doubts will be cleared for free, thanks to this new service that we offer totally free.

You can ask questions about any topic such as health, love, work, business and any future event, in this way you’ll be well prepared to make the best decisions and take the direction in life. It is an excellent guide for all people who have doubts about a particular situation, provided that a judgment can be issued or a simple Yes-no answer.

Yes-no Tarot: Find All the Answers You Need - WindTarot (2)

The system is very simple, the free yes-no Tarot reading on our website will give you direct yes-no answers, as simple as that. With this answer you can guide your future decisions, with respect to almost any topic of your daily life, no matter if your questions are transcendental or trivial, since the important thing is to understand that all the decisions that are made in life, both the simplest and the most complex , have positive and negative consequences, therefore we must take measures to solve the doubts more accurately, and that is why this service has been created and provided 100% free of charge.

This is the most modern and concrete form of divination that exists today, since it is not based on abstract analyzes of different cards where some doubts usually remain, and much effort is required to understand the deep meanings of several tarot cards. In the case of the yes-no Tarot, everything is simple, since it is only based on the 22 Major Arcana, one per roll. In this way, direct answers are obtained on any matter we wish to consult, provided that your questions can be answered with a yes or no.

It is an accurate method of divination, which offers surprising results for all users who need it, at any time of the day and throughout the year, since the yes-no Tarot itself is free and is available to the public 365 days a year.

How does the yes-no oracle works?

To make this wonderful method of divination available to everyone, a system based on the interpretation of the 22 Major Arcana has been developed, each of them represents a universal archetype and thus, functions as an efficient divination tool, depending on the meaning of each Arcane, the reference is taken to determine whether the answer to the question asked is positive or negative.

For example, cards like The Emperor and The Pope are considered positive and beneficial, while The Devil and The Tower have many negative aspects. Starting from there, it is taken as a reference if a card indicates a yes or no answer.

The good thing is that it is a very simple reading, since you must only select one card from the 22 cards in the Marseille deck, which will be shown on the back. By clicking, the card you chosen will rotate and display the predictive response that corresponds to the card you have selected from the 22 Major Arcana.

You can ask several questions and it will always be the same way. Once you have seen your answer, you must click on the “Repeat” button and in this way, you can create a new question and choose a new card that will give you the desired answer. In case you close the page, you must shuffle the cards again and restart the virtual consultation.

Yes-no Tarot: Find All the Answers You Need - WindTarot (3)

As you can see, the yes-no Tarot no is an extremely simple system to use and that provides direct and concrete answers on anything you ask.

Before you make a consultation with this yes-no oracle, you must get comfortable, relax and stay focused on the question you want to ask at all times, meditate on it and have an open mind to receive the answer and the message for your prediction.

Cards will be randomly mixed once you start the query, but if you wish you can press the “Shuffle” button and they will be mixed again. After you choose your card, the Yes-no Tarot will be in charge of answering your question with a yes or no immediately.

It’s a simple, fast procedure that doesn’t require any previous registration. The yes-no Tarot is a tool to know and better understand the future in a novel way, provided that the queries have an answer of YES or NO. You just have to follow the steps and stay focused on the question you want one of the 22 Major Arcana to answer. The biggest advantage of our service is that it’s unlimited, for this reason you will be able to consult as many times as you want the yes-no oracle and the answer will be truthful every time.

When the answer to your question is Yes

The Tarot yes or no can offer a direct answer to each question. If the answer is positive and favorable, then you can complement the information with a complete reading of the Marseille tarot. There you will know more details about your question, so you better understand the different nuances about your situation, already having the initial answer clear.

When the answer to your question is NO

The yes-no Tarot can also respond negatively or with an adverse result. It’s convenient that in these cases the way to try to understand the obstacles and how to solve them in a positive way.

In this case, it’s also very important to make a more detailed consultation of the Marseille tarot, in order to better understand the general picture and understand the possible solutions that can be implemented in case you must do any changes.

What can you ask the free yes-no tarot?

Basically, you can ask anything that has a simple answer of Yes or No. You just have to close your eyes and concentrate as much as possible on your question. Questions like: Will I find my soulmate?, Will I find true love?, Can I get a better job?, Will I be able to make that trip?, Does he love me?, Will I get married soon?, Do my ex still love?, Is my partner faithful to me?, Can I buy that vehicle?, Will I have good health during this year? And a lot more can be answered with the yes-no Tarot. These are examples of the infinite number of questions that can be answered directly by this accurate and reliable divination method.

Yes-no Tarot: Find All the Answers You Need - WindTarot (4)

With this service you have the opportunity to ask any question about any subject you have in mind, no matter how intimate it may be, thanks to the fact that it’s a confidential consultation and no one else will know about it. The yes-no Tarot is able to answer any question directly, provided that the answer can be positive or negative, so it is an excellent tool to clarify the doubts that may arise when making a life decision.

Before making a question stay focused on the question and get the answer you want, after that, you can make the decision you think is most convenient based on the answer you received from the yes-no Tarot. You must learn to trust cards, as they are a reliable method of divination.

Do you want to receive clear and precise answers that help you make better decisions in your life? The yes-no Tarot will serve as an orientation on almost any issue of health, money, love, work, business, friendship, finances, luck and anything you can think of. It’s a tool that allows you to put everything in perspective and determine the pros and cons of each decision you plan to make.

With just one card you can get a direct answer, since with the yes-no tarot answers are specific and without average terms.

How should the questions be asked to the yes-no Arcana?

The idea is that the question is as direct as the answer you want to get. This means that you will have to calmly meditate on the question you want to ask in order to understand the answer that the oracle gives you. Likewise, it’s necessary to be clear about the purpose for which we need that answer. If we ask a question honestly, we will receive an accurate answer that will be a guide for any decision.

There are some things that the yes-no Arcana can’t answer

You’ll never get the right answers if you ask ambiguous questions or that refer to data such as names, addresses, places or particular moments, since none of that can be answered by the YES or NO method. Also, always keep in mind that Yes-no Tarot is a guide, but it doesn’t replace the services of a doctor, therefore, in health consultations it can serve as guidance, but it will not make a medical diagnosis.

The system is similar to throw a coin into the air, you will only receive direct answers of YES or NO, but in a professional and reliable way. The free yes-no reading may help you in the process of making an important decision, but only as a guide, since the responsibility of assessing the circ*mstances is totally and absolutely responsibility of the consultant, not the tarot cards.

Can anyone else read the cards for me?

Without a doubt, the answer is yes. There are many circ*mstances in which we are in a bad emotional state and it’s good that a third person does the consultation for us. In this way, the consultant is prevented from being disconcerted and stays focused on the question that you want the Yes-no Tarot to answer.

Yes-no Tarot: Find All the Answers You Need - WindTarot (5)

When there are worries, fears or some kind of illusion, the result of the test may be conditioned and the results might be misunderstood, it’s there that we can request the help of a third person to performs the reading, while the consultant concentrates on the concern you want to resolve. In this way the result is impartial, neutral and reliable, being able to make better decisions in moments of tribulation.

How to ask the Yes-no Tarot a question?

The yes-no oracle is able to predict the future with only one reading of a single card, offering a concrete answer to a specific question. This is somewhat different from other oracles and systems of prophecies that require birth date and some other data to predict the future based on numerology or astrology.

In the Yes-no Tarot a card is chosen from the 22 Major Arcana, therefore, none of the answers obtained will always be the same. The accuracy of the response will depend on the concentration of the consultant and the intention that puts in the process. It is for that reason that it is always important to stay focused, relax and if possible, write the question on a blank paper and read it mentally while asking the question. The Yes-no Tarot will also respond despite the fact that the consultant is not fully concentrated but, nevertheless, the results will be better used if he is fully aware of what is being done and the moment is taken full advantage.

First, close your eyes and make gentle breaths, trying to leave your mind blank, free of any thoughts that may intervene in the procedure. Stay relaxed for 2 minutes until you feel calm and the energy begins to flow correctly around you and that is when you can proceed to ask your question to Yes-no Tarot.

It’s always better to do the consultations calmly, without emotional tension that can negatively influence the interpretation of the results obtained. Always try to make your queries in moments of relaxation, in private and without having in mind other activities of your daily life such as work and household responsibilities. If you have something pending to do, solve it and then dedicate the necessary time to your consultation with the Yes-no Tarot.

The Yes-no Tarot is free and reliable

There are a number of people who don’t pay attention to the Yes-no Tarot online, thinking that it’s not useful or profesional. However, the reality is that it is a powerful tool that paves the way and prepares the mind to better understand more advanced queries of other divination techniques with the Marseille tarot.

We all like and it is useful for us to receive accurate and direct answers regarding specific situations and thus be able to make better decisions. This is especially necessary in times of tribulation, personal conflicts and emotional distress that require understanding of situations and their causes.

Yes-no Tarot: Find All the Answers You Need - WindTarot (6)

This is one of the reasons that has allowed the Yes-no Tarot to become increasingly popular among believers of the power of tarot, as it provides the opportunity to clarify different situations precisely and without detours, without nuances, promptly and straight to the point, which is very useful for people who have the need to obtain immediate and sincere predictions.

This reading is done in a simple but effective way. Simply ask the question and then choose one of the 22 hidden cards of the Major Arcana, then you will get a positive or negative direct response, accompanied by its meaning and, then, you can deeply ponder what the answer you have received entails.

It may happen that the answer you receive is not what you were waiting for, so you can make small more specific queries that allow you to obtain more information related to the topic you need to understand and thus find out many more things about your future.

Interpreting the results of a free yes-no card reading

The results of an interpretation can be somewhat subjective. The answer may be straightforward, but each person will understand, interpret and have their own perception regarding the message of the card that has been chosen. It’s for that reason that an answer may have a different value for each one, depending on the person reading the final message.

It’s necessary to know that you can request the opinion of a close trusted person who is with us at the time of reading the Yes-no Tarot, in this way we get a different perspective and a much broader view of the interpretation of the message, with which you can make a better decision if you need it. Of course, make sure that the person who helps you interpret the meaning of the card is a neutral and impartial person and doesn’t influence the decisions you make, since it is only you who must be in charge of your life.

You may think that an answer as simple as a yes or a may not be unimportant and without major implications in your life, but the reality is that all the decisions we make in life, however simple, bring consequences that we must face at some point, and that is precisely why you should analyze the circ*mstances carefully and not make drastic decisions without thinking clearly.

Yes-no Tarot History

Divination and oracles have always been present in the history of mankind. Great figures in world history have guided their steps through different divination systems, from astrology to tarot and runes.

The cards of the Major Arcana have many references to different cultures of the world, and although card reading is an art that has been developed for centuries, oracles have always been present due to the need that people have to know their future and Find out how they can modify upcoming events for their benefit.

The first techniques of divination were somewhat rudimentary and were based mainly on the gift of clairvoyance of some person, supported by bones, stones, herbs and even using the position of the stars seeking to predict the events of the near future. The people who came to dominate this gift and art were called oracles.

It’s well known that in some cultures the oracle of the town or city was almost an institution, with enough weight to influence political and social decision making. In ancient Greece, the idea was that through the stars the gods allowed the future to be read by beings with the special gift to understand these messages. At that time, the person who required to know about his future, paid the oracle a sum of money, and the oracle made the prediction based on the multiple disciplines and knowledges. They were very wise people, with extensive knowledge of the cosmos, nature and humanity, with which they could make really accurate predictions. It is for that reason that at the political level decisions were always taken taking into consideration the opinion of the oracle, even for such transcendental issues for an entire civilization such as war and armed conflict.

Yes-no Tarot: Find All the Answers You Need - WindTarot (7)

The first references of the tarot are with the Egyptian book of Thoth, since in its pages were the 22 Major Arcana with descriptions of the meaning of each symbol. Subsequently, these interpretations were extended by different expert authors in divination until the result is the current interpretation of the Major Arcana and the addition of the Minor Arcana as a complement to the reading.

The art of divination using cards is attributed to the gypsies, who on their arrival to the European continent used this form of divination and made it very popular, to the point that the best occultists in the world began to study the implications carefully from this system of divination, they perfected it and today we have a clearer picture and a specific technique that can even be learned by anyone with sufficient analysis capacity to interpret the subtleties of the symbols that each card possesses.

One of the world’s most prominent oracles was the oracle of Delphi, who performed its work without making a distinction between rich and poor. Everyone could consult this oracle and the consultation was paid by whatever means, not only with money or values ​​such as gold, but also with and other offers for the oracle to deliver some of his wisdom in a personalized prophecy and therefore, people used to make long trips and remain waiting for hours to be attended by the oracle.

The oracle was considered in ancient times as a person capable of understanding the subtle signs of the universe, so the decisions were made based on the opinion of the oracle, being so, many wars were start and stopped, precisely thanks to the word emanated by one of those wise oracles.

Current oracles

Currently, Yes-no Tarot continues to fulfill the same guiding function and allows us to make better life decisions, but with the advantage that we can have it for free, confidential and online. On our website you will find the most accurate Yes-no Tarot on the web, with which you can improve the way you guide your life in certain situations

The yes-no oracle is one of the most consulted nowadays, but the questions must be formulated precisely, since this is the only way to obtain a truly reliable answer that serves as real help, in any situation of life that a person is going through.

Yes-no Tarot: Find All the Answers You Need - WindTarot (2024)


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.