Stop the Presses is a side quest in Baldur’s Gate 3 where players must stop a false article from being printed and destroying their reputation. Since you can inadvertently make the quest harder for yourself, this walkthrough will guide you through the easiest way to clear your name.
How to Start Stop the Presses
To start this side quest, speak to Estra Stir, just south of the Basilisk Gate Waypoint in the Lower City. She’s a journalist and when you speak to her she’ll hint at an article in the works that will ruin your reputation. This brief conversation is all it takes to start the quest, and Estra refuses to elaborate further.
How Do You Stop the Article?
To stop the article from being printed you’ll need to head to the source, which in this case is Baldur’s Mouth, a newspaper company that spreads news through Baldur’s Gate and beyond. The building in question is found a short distance west of where you met Estra.
While you can enter it freely, don’t speak with Ettvard Needle. He is the editor and he’ll level false accusations at you, before barring you from the building with a promise that the next day’s newspaper will villainize you to the city.
Your goal is to get into the basem*nt of the building to prevent the printer from creating the libelous article. Instead of speaking to Ettvard, you want to enter the door down the stairs in the corner. The nearby guard will try to stop you, so it’s best to send a single character in while invisible.
Once in the basem*nt, you’ll have to sneak past a pair of Steel Watchers patrolling the hallway. You want to eventually reach the room at the end of the U-shaped hallway, but first you need to make a stop in the northwest room.
Inside you’ll find a headline that reads “Cutest Cat You’ve Ever Seen” which you’re going to need in the final room. When you finally make it to the room with the printer, you’ll need to speak with it and persuade it not to print the article. If you succeed, you’ll still need a replacement article, which is where the “Cutest Cat You’ve Ever Seen” comes in handy.
Place it into the printer and you’re done. All you have to do now is take a long rest, and the quest will be complete, and your reputation preserved.
For more side quests in the area, use the links below: