Velocity - Definition, Units, Formula, Examples, Equations, Video and FAQs (2024)

The terms velocity and speed give us an idea of how fast or slow an object is moving. Quite often, we come across situations where we need to identify which of the two or more objects is moving faster. One can easily tell the faster of the two if they are moving in the same direction on the same road. However, if their direction of motion is in the opposite direction, then it is difficult to determine the fastest. In such cases, the concept of velocity is helpful. In this article, let us learn the velocity meaning, the unit of velocity, the example of velocity, and the difference between speed and velocity.

Table of Contents:
  • Velocity Meaning
  • Initial and Final Velocity
  • Constant Velocity
  • Velocity Units
  • Speed and Velocity
  • Example of Velocity
  • Difference between Speed and Velocity
  • Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

Velocity Meaning

According to the velocity meaning,it can be defined as the rate of change of the object’s position with respect to a frame of reference and time. It might sound complicated, but velocity is basically speeding in a specific direction. It is a vector quantity, which means we need both magnitude (speed) and direction to define velocity. The SI unit of it is metre per second (ms-1). If there is a change in magnitude or the direction of the velocity of a body, then it is said to be accelerating.

Initial and Final Velocity

Initial velocity describes how fast an object travels when gravity first applies force on the object. On the other hand, the final velocity is a vector quantity that measures the speed and direction of a moving body after it has reached its maximum acceleration.

How to find the final velocity?

Finding the final velocity is simple, with a few calculations and basic conceptual knowledge.

  1. Determine the object’s original velocity by dividing the time it took for the object to travel a given distance by the total distance. In the equation V = d/t, V is the velocity, d is the distance, and t is the time.
  2. Determine the object’s acceleration by dividing the object’s mass by force and multiply the answer by the time it took for it to accelerate. For example, if the object weighs 30 kg and has a force of 15 N applied to it, then the acceleration would be 4 m/s.
  3. Add the quantity obtained from Step 1 and Step 2 to obtain the final velocity. For example, if your initial velocity was 3 m/s and your object acceleration is 4 m/s, your final velocity is 7 m/s (3 + 4 = 7).

Constant Velocity

Motion with constant velocity is the simplest form of motion. We witness constant motion whenever an object slides over a horizontal, low-friction surface (when a puck slides over a hockey rink.)

Velocity - Definition, Units, Formula, Examples, Equations, Video and FAQs (1)

The above graph is a graph of displacement versus time for a body moving with constant velocity. The straight line in the graph can be algebraically represented as follows:

\(\begin{array}{l}x=x_0+vt\end{array} \)

In the equation, x0 is the displacement at time t, v is the constant velocity of the body

\(\begin{array}{l}v=\frac{dx}{dt}\end{array} \)

Read More: Motion

Velocity Units

After learning the velocity meaning, let us know about the unit of velocity.The SI unit of velocity is m/s (m.s-1). Other units and dimensions of velocity are given in the table below.

Unit of velocity
Common symbolsv, v,

\(\begin{array}{l}\vec{v}\end{array} \)

SI unit m/s
Other unitsmph, ft/s

The below video provides the Top 10 NTSE Important Questions on Motion Class 9

Velocity - Definition, Units, Formula, Examples, Equations, Video and FAQs (2)

Speed and Velocity

Speed and velocity can be a little confusing for most of us. Well, the difference between speed and velocity is that speed gives us an idea of how fast an object is moving, whereas velocity not only tells us its speed but also tells us the direction the body is moving in. We can define speed as a function of distance travelled, whereas velocity is a function of displacement. Instantaneous velocity is the velocity of a body at any given time. Average velocity is the total displacement by total time and is given by v = △x/△t where ∆x is the total displacement of the body and ∆t is the time. Average velocity is always less than or equal to that of average speed; this is because displacement can never be higher than the distance travelled, but the distance travelled can be higher than that of displacement.

Example of Velocity

Let us learn the example of velocity after learning the meaning of velocity.To understand the concept of instantaneous velocity and average velocity, let’s take this example. Jewel goes to school in her dad’s car every morning. Her school is 8 km from her home, and she takes 15 mins to travel, but when she looks at the speedometer on the dashboard of the car, it shows a different reading all the time. So, now, how would she know her velocity?

Velocity - Definition, Units, Formula, Examples, Equations, Video and FAQs (3)

Well, the average velocity of Jewel’s car could be found by:

For convenience, we have considered the car to move in a straight line, and we will convert all the units of time to hours. Therefore, 15 mins = 1560 = 0.25 hours.

Average velocity, v = △x/△t

v = 8 km/0.25 hrs

v = 32 km/h

Now we see that even though the car may vary its speed if it covers the same amount of distance in the same amount of time, every time, its average velocity will remain the same.

Read More: Average Velocity

Difference between Speed and Velocity

The detailed comparison in the tabular format is given below.

Velocity VS Speed
Speed is the quantitative measure of how quickly something is moving.Velocity defines the direction of the movement of the body or the object.
Speed is primarily a scalar quantityVelocity is essentially a vector quantity
It is the rate of change of distanceIt is the rate of change of displacement
Speed of an object moving can never be negativeThe velocity of a moving object can be zero.
Speed is a prime indicator of the rapidity of the object.Velocity is the prime indicator of the position as well as the rapidity of the object.
It can be defined as the distance covered by an object in unit time.Velocity can be defined as the displacement of the object in unit time.

Let’s summarize what we have learned:

  • (a) This is a function of displacement.
  • (b) We require both magnitude and direction to define velocity.
  • (c) Instantaneous velocity is the velocity at any given moment of time, whereas average velocity is the total displacement divided by total time.
  • (d) A changing velocity indicates acceleration.

Read More: Displacement

Watch the video below and learn about angular velocity along with velocity meaning

Velocity - Definition, Units, Formula, Examples, Equations, Video and FAQs (4)

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


Can vector quantities be added algebraically?

Vector quantities cannot be added algebraically because they have directions along with magnitude. And directions cannot be added algebraically.


Give a general equation of velocity for a particle moving with velocity v such that

\(\begin{array}{l}\vec{v} = k(y\hat{i}+x\hat{j})\end{array} \)

where k is constant.

The general of a particle moving with velocity

\(\begin{array}{l}\vec{v} = k(y\hat{i}+x\hat{j})\end{array} \)

is given as y2 = x2 + constant


What is instantaneous speed?

Instantaneous speed is defined as the speed of an object at a specific moment in time.


What happens to the velocity and acceleration when a ball is thrown in the air?

Velocity and acceleration both increase when the ball is thrown in the air.


What is the purpose of the velocity-time graph?

The Velocity-time graph is used to explain the constant acceleration of an object.

Watch the video and solve important questions in the chapter Motion Class 9

Velocity - Definition, Units, Formula, Examples, Equations, Video and FAQs (5)

Hope you have understood the velocity meaning, unit of velocity, constant velocity and the difference between speed and velocity in brief. Stay tuned with BYJU’S – The learning App to know more.

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  1. Velocity - Definition, Units, Formula, Examples, Equations, Video and FAQs (8)
    Jolly August 22, 2019 at 9:22 pm

    Very easy to learn


  2. Velocity - Definition, Units, Formula, Examples, Equations, Video and FAQs (9)
    Ayush June 12, 2020 at 10:58 pm

    Yes it is very easy to learn from byju’s and it helps me alot to do my homework study ext.


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    Kushal Jagdish Amrutkar August 29, 2020 at 3:38 pm

    Yes, it is very easy to learn from BYJU’S and it helps me a lot to do my homework and study for exams. Thanks 😊👍😊


  • Velocity - Definition, Units, Formula, Examples, Equations, Video and FAQs (11)
    Eavans Yen November 18, 2020 at 9:06 am

    Very easy to learn


  • Velocity - Definition, Units, Formula, Examples, Equations, Video and FAQs (12)
    Aashi Verma December 4, 2020 at 12:10 pm

    It is soo amazing and fascinating to learn from byjus I really enjoys it and it is tooo much helpful for me in understanding the concepts clearly


  • Velocity - Definition, Units, Formula, Examples, Equations, Video and FAQs (13)

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    Velocity - Definition, Units, Formula, Examples, Equations, Video and FAQs (2024)


    What is the formula for velocity and answer? ›

    Determine the object's original velocity by dividing the time it took for the object to travel a given distance by the total distance. In the equation V = d/t, V is the velocity, d is the distance, and t is the time.

    What are 5 examples of velocity? ›

    The applications of velocity are illustrated by the examples below:
    • Earth's rotation around the Sun,
    • Moon's orbital motion around the Earth.
    • The vehicle's speed.
    • How quickly the train is moving.
    • The river is moving at a fluctuating speed.
    • The rate at which water leaves a faucet.
    • The speed at which a bat strikes a ball.

    What is velocity definition formula units? ›

    Velocity is defined as the rate of change of distance of a body with respect to time. Its unit in SI is m/s. Velocity is defined as the rate of change of displacement of a body with respect to time. Its unit in SI is m/s.

    What is velocity question and answer? ›

    The velocity of an object is the rate of change of its position with respect to a frames of reference and is a function of time. Velocity is equivalent to a specification of its speed and direction of motion (e.g. 60 km/hr to the north).

    Is velocity the same as speed? ›

    To summarize, speed and velocity are similar but different. Speed is a measure of distance traveled over time, where distance refers to how much ground is covered by an object in motion. Velocity is a measure of displacement over time, and displacement refers to the net change in position of an object in motion.

    Is velocity always positive? ›

    Velocity: The velocity of an object is the change in position (displacement) over a time interval. Velocity includes both speed and direction, thus velocity can be either positive or negative while speed can only be positive. Another way to say this is that speed is the absolute value of velocity.

    How to calculate velocity? ›

    To figure out velocity, you divide the distance by the time it takes to travel that same distance, then you add your direction to it. For example, if you traveled 50 miles in 1 hour going west, then your velocity would be 50 miles/1 hour westwards, or 50 mph westwards.

    What is a velocity unit? ›

    Velocity is a vector expression of an object's or particle's displacement with respect to time. The metre per second (m/s) is the standard unit of velocity magnitude (also known as speed). The magnitude of velocity can also be measured in centimetres per second (cm/s).

    How to solve final velocity? ›

    If you know the acceleration rate of the object, you can find the final velocity using the formula vf (final velocity) = vi (initial velocity) + a(t) (acceleration x time).

    What are the 4 types of velocity? ›

    The different types of velocities are uniform velocity, variable velocity, average velocity and instantaneous velocity.

    What is the symbol for final velocity? ›

    v denotes final velocity, a denotes acceleration, and t is the time taken. Here u is initial Velocity, V is final velocity a denotes acceleration,, and s equals to the distance.

    What two parts make up velocity? ›

    Since, velocity is a vector quantity, it has two components to it. The magnitude, which is the speed, and the direction in which the motion is happening.

    What best defines velocity? ›

    It is an object's speed at a specific point in time.

    What are the three formulas for velocity? ›

    The three equations are,
    • v = u + at.
    • v² = u² + 2as.
    • s = ut + ½at²

    How do you calculate velocity? ›

    To figure out velocity, you divide the distance by the time it takes to travel that same distance, then you add your direction to it. For example, if you traveled 50 miles in 1 hour going west, then your velocity would be 50 miles/1 hour westwards, or 50 mph westwards.

    What are the 4 formulas for velocity? ›

    • Here are the formulas:- ( v = speed , s = distance, t = time )
    • >> Speed = distance/time or v=s/t.
    • >> Time = distance/speed or t=s/v.
    • >> Distance = speed * time or s = v * t.
    • >> Average speed = total distance traveled/total time taken.
    • >> Velocity = Displacement/time.
    Sep 10, 2020

    What are the 3 basic velocity formula? ›

    The three equations are, v = u + at. v² = u² + 2as. s = ut + ½at²

    What is the formula for the velocity function? ›

    Kinematic Equations from Integral Calculus

    v ( t ) = ∫ a ( t ) d t + C 1 . Similarly, the time derivative of the position function is the velocity function, d d t x ( t ) = v ( t ) . d d t x ( t ) = v ( t ) .


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